Social Eating Checklist
Yvonne McClaren
Social Eating Checklist
Improve your chances of a positive social eating outcome*
This checklist is designed so you don’t overlook any given activity available to you to improve your food life after head and neck cancer treatment.
When you are medicated, healing, dealing with appointments and trying to regain some sort of "normal" - I put this checklist on my fridge to remind me daily what I could / had to do to keep making progress.
* Lived experience and I did all these things to ensure I got back to social eating sooner than later. 😉
A printable checklist to put on your fridge. 28 tick box areas covering you mind, food, body and pathway. Keeping you focused on food and the holy grail of social eating.
Removing the overwhelm
$ Priceless
49.2 KB
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